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Scotian News

December 2012

Issue 94

Congratulations to the following Former Pupils who have reached milestone birthdays this month:-

70 Michael Gillard; Jack Broadley; Tony Thain; David Wright; Victor Zaccardelli;

65 Rodney Velzian; Michael Drake; Janek Holdanovowicz; David Doyle; David Agnew; John Edgar; Christopher Walls; James Anderson; Andrew Stephens;

60 James Bryjaklo; Andrew Redpath; David Brand; Ian Mackie; James Kelly; Patrick Lewis; Michael J. McEwan;

50 Peter (Yeng Hong) Wong; Ying Chung Law; Michael Patterson; Martin Croan;   

 School News

New e-mail contact:- Chris Barlow.

Andrew Edie, and John Coyle, are not very well, and prayers are asked for their speedy recovery.

Charlie Duthie supplied the following uncorroborated information:-
I've just been doing some work at the Christian Muslim study Centre in Oxford. One of the academics is Andrew Lloyd who knew Brother Duignan while at a CB school in Cheshire. We had a good chat. Andrew was a priest who spent more than 20 years as an army Chaplin but has now left. He also said that the CBs have stopped recruiting. There are only 80 left. Their aim is to disburse their huge assets to the community.

Domenic Hyland ( ex Brother) also wrote:-

You may, of course, know, that the Brothers are all ensconced now at Hale Barns, Cheshire. There are a few scattered here and there in England but otherwise the Province as we knew it in the halcyon days is at Hale Barns and the Brothers are all very advanced in years on average. What a shame but it is something that is endemic in the church now.

We have been contacted by two FPs whose mothers have reached great ages and are to be congratulated. James Walshe’s mother turned 104 in November, and Scott Miller’s mother will be 102 in November. Do we have any more centenarians?  Scott Miller is celebrating the birth of his fifth grandchild.

We understand that Peter West will return to reside in Scotland in April.

Ken Gilhooley advises us that he has just recently started a new part time job as Research Prof in Brunel University, London , Institute of Ageing Studies. at the age 66,& 3/4!

Derek Everest has sent some photos of a Lourdes gathering at Craiglockhart Convent in 1964. Many FPs are in the photos in School uniform. They should be on the internet School website shortly under gallery.

Leo Forsyth advises that he is returning to Perth, Australia, for a few months. Before he went, he visited Edinburgh, and, in particular, Ricky Demarco. Leo wrote:-
It was quite the most unique time I have spent in Edinburgh.
One of the unexpected highlights was meeting up with Ricky Demarco after fifty years!

I had imagined I would be seeing a frail 82 year old.
Nothing could have been further from the truth.

Ricky is still a powerhouse of a man. Full of vim and vigour and still eager to imprint his stamp on my mind as he was all those years ago.
It was a most illuminating Saturday afternoon and at the end of it I came away with the sense that far from his work coming to a conclusion or even remotely slowing down, he was pressing his foot as firmly to the accelerator pedal as he has always done.
It was a timely lesson to one who is approaching three score years and ten and thinking that my time may be over.

Mike Deery contacted us with the following comment:-  In the last
 Newsletter there was mention of the trams, Edinburgh's
 nightmare (never mind the cost), which hopefully will soon be
over,  but every cloud has a silver lining and that his organisation,
 Bridge, are going to be involved, and he has even been on a Tram
going up and down the line at Gogar putting them through their

Sandy Gordon asked us to advise FPs, especially in the Edinburgh area, of the following:- That Sandy Gordon is just curious to know who is still paying their full utility bills because he has just found out how we can get Sainsbury's and M&S and others to pay a substantial part of our monthly gas electric and phone bill. ((sandyg@uwclub.net)  Anyone interested should contact Sandy.

Nine FPs who started school between 1953 & 1955 met up for lunch this week. Charlie Duthie, who organised the event in the Royal Scots Club in Edinburgh, John Bacigalupo, Paul Gunn, Adrian McDonald, Chris Barlow, Lindsay Wilson, and a trio of Barrys, Chris, Peter, and John. Photos of the event should appear on our website shortly.

John Barry has found a blazer badge for a member of the first fifteen Rugby team. A copy of the picture of the badge will adorn the gallery.

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