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Scotian News

January 2014

Issue 107

Congratulations to the following Former Pupils who have reached milestone birthdays this month:-

70 Anthony McKern; Bernard Martin; John Neville; Robert Ross;

65  Adam Dzierzek; John Ashton; Stephen Thompson; Leslie McMillan;

60  Cesidio DiCiacca; Lorenzo Milazzo; Peter Walker;

50  Anatol Krot; Andrew(Yeun Fai) Wong; Lawrence Kelly;


 School News

New e-mail contact:- Michael J Morrison(1958-1963);

Change of e-mail address:- John Barry; Stuart McLauchlan: Dermod O’Malley;

New Facebook contact:- David Doyle;

We have recently heard from Aidan Bremner, who advised us that Billy Gillon has not been well. He advised “In this link to the SSA expo catalogue there's an article about Bill. PPSSA Bill Gillon open studio etc

Billy was a pupil at the school(1954-1960) and then went on to be the first FP to teach there(his subject was Art.). We have been in touch with his two sons, both of them teachers, one(Stephen) in Livingston and one(Nick) in the Wirral. Stephen wrote, “Thank you for your kind email. I am glad to hear people remember my dad and it made me smile to hear him referred to as Billy, I can pretty much tell when some one knew my dad by what they call him.
I had sent you a email but am not sure if it got to you. we set up a face book page for my dad called "friends of Bill Gillon" please pass it on to anyone who knew him.
I don’t know if you heard that we have been opening up his studio for friends and ex students. There are over 200 pieces of work many of which have never been seen by one other than my dad. I will have to break this collection in the next month or so but if a group of Scotus people were interested I will be happy to open the studio. My number is  given in the accompanying e-mail.
thanks for your kind thought “

Your editor, Lindsay Wilson, is a very proud FP at the moment. His son, Philip, has been chosen as one of the main characters at the Bannockburn Heritage Centre for the commemoration of the 700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn. His voiced part will be said by the well known Scottish actor David Hayman. Links to the site and information about a n historic re enactment which will be on view for posterity are listed below:-




It would appear to be worth a visit. Sadly, his father will receive no fee for his lineage. Neither will his son.

Great to hear from many FPs last month:- Jurek Lisowski; Father Damian Wynn-Williams; James Wee; John Shaw( who advised that he has met Andrew Robertson after the Anniversary meal, for dinner, and an old friendship seems to be rekindled);Dermod O'Malley; Marc Capaldi, who wrote "
Interesting to see that there were two FPs who were in Saigon at its fall and one working for the FO….

Your reference to FPs reminded me that, when I was at Hamble near Southampton training to be a pilot in 1970, almost all of the class came from Grammar Schools or were privately educated. I was asked if I had played any rugby after school and I replied that I had played for Holy Cross FPs. This resulted in explosions of laughter until someone asked if I meant OBs – Old Boys. When I enquired what they had found amusing one of them whispered that, in England FPs meant “xxxxxxg” pooves! "
Congratulations to the new grandfathers this month:- Witold Miedziebrodzki; Maurice Dougan; Jon Ovington; and prospective grandfather Victor Contini. It is great to see that procreation still carries on, and that we Scotians have played our part, with education and advice.




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