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Scotian News

November 2016

Edition 141


Congratulations to the following Former Pupils who have reached milestone birthdays this month:-

75 Gerry Minchella;

70 John Tadeii; Alban Smith; Sergio Roccio; Leonard Benyon; Alan Turner;

65  Robert O’Connor; Barry Smith; Thomas Gormley; Paul Pelosi; Brian White; Anthony Rogers; Patrick Kelly; Iain Mackenzie;

60  John Eunson; Thomas Maguire; John McCloskoy;

50 Torquil (Mackenzie) Buist; Jason Twigg;

 School News

New e-mail addresses for Torquil (Mackenzie) Buist, and James Wee.

We recently heard from David Wright. He now lives in London, and wrote as follows:-

Anyhow, I'm pretty busy with collaborations with colleagues from former existences in academe and at NASA. Via Skype this is cost-free, and both instructive and entertaining. I have the best of it - I get to be involved with real science, still, without the incredible burden of administrative duties. Back in the day, about one out of every three hours at NASA was devoted to paper-pushing and grant applications. Fortunately I discovered the secret of persuasive application writing - whatever that is!
Of the Great Dismays, Brexit and Trump, I'll say nothing. the situations speak all too eloquently for themselves.

So best wishes to you on a cold, damp, almost Dickensian November night, from central London. // David

He also asked if anyone could put him in touch with an old classmate---Michael Gillard. Can anyone help him?

Charlie Duthie and Chris Barlow recently visited Paul Gunn in Peebles. They reported that he was in good spirits and soldiering on , despite some problems. They had a great day talking about the early days of the school. Both Charlie and Chris, and their respective wives were celebrating 50 years of marriage. Those ladies have hearts of gold and strength in depth.

We are delighted to announce that Maurice Dougan has now made 12 CDs from the Long Playing Records of the school’s production of the “Land of Green Ginger”. Anyone who would like a copy, please contact Lindsay Wilson, and one will be forwarded after Christmas. We do not yet know the cost of the materials used to make the CDs, nor the costs of posting and packaging, but will advise as soon as possible. This is a cost covering exercise---non profit making.

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