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Scotian News

Nov 2011

Edition 81


Congratulations to the following Former Pupils who have reached milestone birthdays this month:-

70 Gerry Minchella;

65 John Taddei; Alban Smith; Eric Gallo; Sergio Rocco; Leonard Benyon; Alan Turner;

60 Robert O’Connor; Barry Smith; Thomas Gormley; Brian White; Patrick Kelly; Ian Mackenzie;

50 Richard DiRollo; Kevin Croan;

 School News

We recently heard of the death of Charlie Duthie’s brother, who was also Roddy Zentil’s brother in law. Our condolences are sent to the family.

New e-mail contact:- Roger Conlon;

Change of e-mail address:- Neil Allan, who is retiring from the Procurator Fiscal Service.

We recently had a communication from Jimmy Walshe. He advised that his mother was 103 years old, and the Edinburgh Evening News were doing an article on her life. This article duly appeared and made interesting reading. Happy birthday, Mrs Walshe, and long may you continue to enjoy life.

We have recently been advised that Peter Haynes has recently opened a private hire/touring  service from Gullane. If interested, phone 07954402705

Maurice Dougan has also recently published his new book 'Hibernian History Handbook' which is a reference book of the Hibs from the arrivals of it's founders in Scotland up until November 2011. It is available on eBay or by contacting Maurice web@scotusacademy.net

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