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Scotian News

Oct 2014

Edition 116


Congratulations to the following Former Pupils who have reached milestone birthdays this month:-

70 Peter Barry; Tom Flaherty; Eugenio Galbraith; David Domanski; Peter Whiston;

65  Robert Hughes; John Timms; Kieron Fitzpatrick; Alexander Borthwick; Freddie D’Agostino ; Ronald Butlin; Joe Capaldi; Peter Macari; John Oversby Powell; David Pia;   

60  John Matthew; Eddie (Balls) (Kolinski) MacDonald; John Wisely; Andrew Borys; Alistair Cook; Andrew Duncan; Andrew Sheilds;

50 Vincent James; John Baillie;

 School News

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Malcolm Tunmore(1953-1957). Condolences are offered to his brother, Brian ( also an FP) and his other family members. Malcolm was one of the 78 original FPs who started school in September 1953. So far, 19 of that number are deceased.

At Father Tom Flynn’s recent requiem mass, the FPs were well represented by: Desmond Deigan; Andy Lonie; Lindsay Wilson; Ken Somerville; Desmond McInally; and Monsignor Ally Lawson;  There was a terrific obituary about Father Tom in the Edinburgh Evening News, and it has been posted on the website for all to read. (There were also obituaries in the Scotsman and the Scottish Catholic Observer)

New e-mail contacts:- David Wright( in London); Anatol Krot;

New Facebook contacts:- Torquil Ross Anderson; Anatol Krot;

Correspondence received this month;- Vincent James; Simon Barry; Peter Barry; Rob Hughes; Brian Tunmore; Ken Charles; Willie Rowbottom; Jim McCabe; Jack Kerr; Julian Lewis; Julian Bukits; Joe Barry ( who wondered if any FPs were curlers); Jean-Francois Merard ( in Canada); Bernard McGee; Canon Ala Finley; Raymond Ross; Leo Cunning; John Shaw; Martin Killiner; Joe DiRollo; Joe Capaldi; Dick Edie; Charlie Duthie; Leo Forsyth( who, for his 70th birthday went to Prague and was surprised by 4 friends from Oz);

We have had a request from Maurice Dougan. He has, for 10 years, set up and run the website at his own expense as well as giving his time. He is now finding the cost of running the site a drain on his funds (after all he is a pensioner), and wondered if some of the FPs( especially in business) would help defray the costs. He promises to mention the businesses on the webpage as a justification for the cost involved. (If you wish to be involved please contact Maurice via contact@scotusacademy.net)

We have been advised by Ricky Demarco that “ The Road to Meikle Seggie” (The history of his family and other Italians making the journey from Italy to Scotland in pictorial form) will be presented on Tuesday December 2nd from 5.30pm to 7.00pm at The Summerhall Edinburgh( the old Dick Vet).Everyone is most welcome.

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