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Scotian News

April 2011

Issue 74

Congratulations to the following Former Pupils who have reached milestone birthdays this month:-

70 Alexander Lawson; Brendan McCann; Kenneth Somerville;

65 Mike Lampshire; Alex Kempton-Smith; John Bacigalupo; John Coyle;

60 Philip Garden; Alistair Stephens; Patrick Gordon; Gregory Dickson; John N Kelly; Derek Maclean; Anthony McMichael; Paul Gardner;

50 Fergus Christie; Ambrose Aliaga-Kelly; Michael Hislop; Christopher Martin; Adrian Brady;  


 School News

Since the last newsletter was published, we announce the death at the end of March of Bruce Macdonald(1954-1958). In addition, the mother of Victor and Aldo Togneri has passed away. Condolences have been sent to both families.

Change of e-mail addresses:- Ted Dzierzek; Simon DiRollo; Mike Dougall;

We have recently been advised that Peter Gallo has left Hong Kong and has taken up a post in the United Nations in New York, a city where he will now be resident.

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