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Scotian News

Febuary 2016

Edition 132


Congratulations to the following Former Pupils who have reached milestone birthdays this month:-

75 None

70 Maks Pietek; Geoffrey P Burke; Joe Flaherty; William Craven;

65  Ian Shields; Andrew Edie; Stephen Donoghue; Norman Turnbull;

60  Mark Underwood; Thomas DiResta; Randall Schlichting; William Kirk;Peter Shakespeare ;Leonard Liston; John McArthur;

50  Dale Philp; Gerard Collins;

 School News

We have recently been advised of the death, last year, of Peter Whiston (1956-1961). We offer condolences to the family. If anybody knows of any FPs who has passed away, could they please advise us, to enable the records to be updated.

New e-mail contact:- David Brown, in Kentucky

Change of e-mail addresses:- John Coyle; Peter Barry;

Linked in contact: Tom Rooney;

Randall Schlichting advises that he hopes to visit Edinburgh, from the USA, next year.

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