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Scotian News

January 2011

Issue 71

Congratulations to the following Former Pupils who have reached milestone birthdays this month:-

70  James Hunt; Brian Conlon; 

65 Geoff Craig; Peter Cassidy; Donald Shaw; Alan Murray; Kenneth Gilhooly; William Wattie; Kenneth Charles; Serzy Dybala;

60  Ramon Demarco; Gerald West; Ian McCarron; Gerard Whitten;

50  Frederick Parrett; Ronald Pyrich; Thomas Lee;


 School News

It is with deep regret that we have to report the death of G.Lewis MacLeod( school  1958-1965). Our condolences have been sent to his family.

New e-mail contacts – Kevin Thomson ( school 61-66) He lives in Aylesbury.

Change of e-mail address – Peter Cassidy, in Peebles, who passes on his good wishes to everyone who knows him, and John Cregan (school 56-66).

We have received good news. Ian Cunning (school 53-61) is well on the road to recovery after his serious illness.

In recently reviewing  the Which magazine, it was noticed that they have had comments about savings on utility bills by combining all of them in a company named as  Utility Warehouse. The link is http://www.telecomplus.co.uk/simon007.
Simon Walton ( school  66-76) will be able to assist and give guidance.


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