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Scotian News

March 2012

Issue 85

Congratulations to the following Former Pupils who have reached milestone birthdays this month:-

70 None  

65 John Barry; Stephen Koral; Adrian Fallowfield; Stuart Taylor; Frank Brash;

60 Michael Afec; Nicholas Brotchie; Melville Tennant; Charles Kerr; Paul Mulhearn; Kevin Tierney;

50 George Twiss; Jonathen Petrie; Christopher Deery; John Hayes; Julian Bukits; Kevin Buggy; Edward Wilson;  


 School News

We regret to announce the deaths of the following FPs relatives:- Mark Tobin Moore’s brother; Ramon Demarco’s father; Mike Crean’s wife; Our condolences are offered to all.

Brian Tunmore has become a great grandfather; at long last his picture and profile match.  Lindsay Wilson has become a great uncle, but to his nephew and niece he always was.

Dermod O’Malley has been appointed the Commodore of the Hamble River Sailing club in Hampshire. Is he the most important sailor at the school since the Pirate King in the operetta “The Pirates of Penzance” in 1961?

Peter Gallo has sent the following link to the company still selling the belts used at school, just in case any of you wish to enjoy the feeling of leather again striking your body:-




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