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Scotian News

Oct 2013

Edition 104


Congratulations to the following Former Pupils who have reached milestone birthdays this month:-

70 Patrick Lee

65  Bernard Flannagan; Glen Ross; John McLeod; Alex Gordon; Hubert Ross; Bennet Crolla;

60  Donald Cormack; Stewart Robertson: James P. Boyle;

50 Paul Black; Mark Drysdale; John Pattison;

 School News

Sandy Shepherd is now living in Perth, W.A.

Congratulations to Charles Law for becoming a father again at 54.

E-mail changes:- John Timms has changed his e-mail address.

Rob Hughes recently wrote to us with news about a trip he was about to make. He wrote:- Thought I'd tell you about a little about a trip I am about to make to Nepal. Together with Rotary International I will be going to Bandipur, a village on the trekking route, to help startup a social enterprise cafe and B&B with the intention of raising enough annual surplus to maintain 5 local schools.
We are of on Tuesday 29th October to Kathmandu and then by bus, plane and "Shank's pony" to the site. Local government, Rotary and business's are involved. I must say that I am very happy to be asked to lead this project at this late stage before retirement.

Domenic Hyland (ex Bro) wrote to advise about the Christian Brothers:- Congrats on your continuing efforts with the Scotus
Academy news( or not so much news as you say). I thought I would just bring you up to date about the Brothers. They are all more or less
gathered in the house at Woodeaves, Hale Barns. There are the few
scattered here and there e.g. in Liverpool pursuing their own
'mission'. Currently the Order is reviewing their future contributions
and have a plan dates for 2020 which will see a crystallisation of
perceived goals.There is a booklet 'A Way into the Future'which
outlines their plans. News from them can be readily obtained on their
website www.edmundrice.net I still treasure my memories of my brief
stay in Edinburgh .
God bless
Dominic Hyland

Reminding you all that Eddy  Macdonald will be visiting here at Christmas. Anyone who wishes to make contact with him, please let Lindsay Wilson know.

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